Englisch - English

IndieRe #8

In the 52nd edition of IndieRE Radio Campus France gives an insight into the independent scene in Toulouse with MATHIUS SHADOW-SKY, TANIA BEL, Didier Aschour from MONTAGNE NOIRE RECORDS, Pauline Cosgrove from My IMAGINARY LOVES and the...

IndieRe #7

The 51st episode of IndieRe is brought to you by Near FM in Dublin, produced and presented by Neil Farrelly. In this episode we showcase some of the best up and coming Irish artists. Ireland is currently a hot bed of acts breaking through...

IndieRe #6

In the 50th edition of IndieRe we take you on a ride through the exciting music of Germany’s alternative and independent scene, we’ve collected a truckload of current releases for you. We start with an interview and two songs from the dream...

Ech, Oida 16.03 auf English: Slava Georgien! Interview über die erfolgreiche Massenproteste in Tiflis gegen den "Agenten"-Gesetz


Interview mit Maya Targamadze über die Proteste, an denen sie teilgenommen hat.

Maya Targamadze ist Vorstandsmitglied von AESC ( Association of European Studies for the Caucasus) und Vorsitzende des Ukrainisch-Georgischen Clubs in Tifllis...

IndieRe #5

In the 49th episode of IndieRe broadcast edited by Radio Student from Zagreb we'll present some fresh releases by well-known members of Zagreb alternative scene but we will also showcase a few artists currently at the very beginning of...

IndieRe #4

In der aktuellen Ausgabe von IndieRe stellen Rafa Sánchez und Sonia Morales zusammen mit der Technikerin Nuria González einen Teil der andalusischen Indie- und Underground-Szene vor. Sie beginnen mit der Punkband La URSS, dem spanischen...
