Quashie Tagoe: Deported after 7 years in Europe

Deported after 7 years in Europe

WhatsApp Image 2021-10-07 at 12.39.57.jpeg

Call for donations for Quashie Tagoe
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After living in Europe for 7 years, Quashie Tagoe was taking from the first arrival camp in Freiburg on october 23 and deported back to Ghana on October 29. Now, he has to start a new life in a country which he had left many years ago with no money in the pocket and no perspectives. In this interview, he tells how he is living this situation and what he is facing now in Ghana.   A crowdfunding was started for Quashie. Please donate to: Aktion Bleiberecht Freiburg IBAN: DE75 6809 2000 0000 3615 26 BIC: GENODE61EMM Stichwort: Quashie   or Paypal: lea_fr_watch@riseup.net Stichwort: Quashie