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Young Rebel Set im Musikmagazin

...und am 11.12.14 live in Schmitz Katze.

Young Rebel Set sind fünf Musiker von der Insel aus Stockton-on-Tees (Nähe Newcastle) und so klingt das auch. Rock'n Roll à la Eels und Oasis, Folk wie Llewyn Davis. Also übersetzt: kernig und 'echt...

Anhören · 24:43 Playlist

Dub Kali Rootz 01.12."High Tide Dub 2" 22:30-00:00

More Dub explorations this week, Spoken Word, impulses and waves to set the week off High Tide!

Digital Steppaz outta London in Freiburg this week

(Sat.6.Dec White Rabbit) !Check it!

Bless up and Dub Down!

Dub Kali Rootz 17.11 22:30-00:00


Tide is high tonight on Dub'Kali Rootz ...

Putting the Bass in the right Place.

Some sound experiments and fine tuning .

Nuff Dub Love!!!

Dub Kali Rootz 20.10. "Tip your Dub Hats !" 22:30-00:00

dub hat

Tip your Dub hats into October!

Any move it takes Dubwise to keep the Sunshine Shining...

Special flavours from "Acker Dub", some streamlined Dub Classics, and Spoken Word -still no token word! Nuff Dub Love Seeen!?
