Alarm Phone Sahara - Infotour
Solidarity against the EU border regime in the Sahara
With Azizou Chehou and Moctar Dan Yayé from Niger
[Français en bas | Deutsch unten]
The borders that European states erect against migrants and refugees are no longer limited to the external borders of the EU, but extend far beyond, including across many countries on the African continent. This repressive border regime creates life-threatening conditions and leaves people to die not only in the Mediterranean and the Atlantic, but also on the travel routes through the Sahel countries and North Africa. It leads to brutal mass deportations between African countries and the internment of migrants and refugees in torture camps in Libya. It also means that thousands of people who have no way forward are stranded empty-handed and in precarious conditions in countries like Niger, one of the poorest countries in the world. Circular migration, which has historically existed, particularly in and between West and North Africa, is thus increasingly restricted. As a result, this EU-imposed policy in the colonial tradition is destroying the economic livelihoods and thus the lives of the inhabitants of various regions in many places.
Alarme Phone Sahara (APS) is practicing solidarity intervention against this brutal EU border regime in Agadez and other places in northern Niger. During their information tour, Moctar Dan Yayé and Azizou Chehou from APS Niger will talk about the current context and developments in Niger regarding the repressive migration policy and their daily work.
They will address, among others, the following topics:
● "Emergency rescue in the desert" by natives of the Bilma region active with APS & search for missing persons in the Sahara en route to Libya,
● Documentation of the increasing mass expulsions from Algeria & solidarity work on site in Assamaka,
● Collective cooking for refugees and migrants in Agadez,
● Fight against the imprisonment of an APS activist in Agadez,
● Legal action against the law "2015-036", pushed by the EU, which criminalizes regional migration, before the ECOWAS Court of Justice,
● Climate change in Niger: consequences for the population and activism.
Dr Azizou Chehou is the coordinator of Alarme Phone Sahara (APS) in Agadez. Moctar Dan Yayé is responsible for APS media work in Niger.
The event will be held in English, with the possibility to join the discussion in German and French.
Alarme Phone Sahara - Infotour
Solidarité contre le régime frontalier de l'UE au Sahara
Avec Azizou Chehou et Moctar Dan Yayé du Niger
L'Alarme Phone Sahara (APS) pratique une intervention solidaire contre le régime frontalier brutal de l'UE à Agadez et dans d'autres endroits du nord du Niger. Lors de leur tournée d'information, Moctar Dan Yayé et Azizou Chehou de l'APS Niger parleront du contexte et des développements actuels au Niger concernant la politique migratoire répressive et de leur travail quotidien.
L'événement se déroulera en anglais, avec la possibilité de participer à la discussion en français et en allemand.
Alarme Phone Sahara - Infotour
Solidarität gegen das EU Grenzregime in der Sahara
Mit Azizou Chehou und Moctar Dan Yayé aus Niger
Das Alarme Phone Sahara (APS) setzt dem brutalen EU-Grenzregime in Agadez und an anderen Orten im Norden Nigers solidarische Intervention entgegen. Moctar Dan Yayé und Azizou Chehou des APS Niger werden auf ihrer Info-Tour von Hintergründen und aktuellen Entwicklungen in Niger zur repressiven Migrationspolitik und von ihrer alltäglichen Arbeit berichten.
Die Veranstaltung findet auf Englisch statt, mit der Möglichkeit sich auf Deutsch und Französisch an der Diskussion zu beteiligen.
Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend im Rahmen des Bundesprogramms Demokratie Leben.