(fk) On Sunday 22. September the concert of american singer-songwriter David Rovics was cancelled at the 20th anniversary of the living project S.U.S.I. here in Freiburg. On Monday Radio Dreyeckland received a statement from S.U.S.I. explaining their political reasons for the cancellation of the gig.
Both parties have been invited to Radio Dreyeckland to bring their points forward in a discussion. Unfortunately just David Rovics showed up so we confronted him with the arguments presented in the S.U.S.I. statement.
After the Interview David Rovics published an Open Letter to the german left on his blog.
Ältere Interviews mit David Rovics bei Radio Dreyeckland:
- Dienstag, den 17. April 2012 - Was ist überhaupt ein Original? - Liedermacher David Rovics über freie Musik, die Revolution und Ernährungssouveränität
- Freitag, den 26. August 2011 - U.S.-Songwriter David Rovics auf Europa Tour