SOLITOPF, a redistribution project in Freiburg provides financial aid to those who need it most, individuals and families who are struggling to make ends meet. Created in the context of the Rasthaus, SOLITOPF helps refugees and others who are excluded from support by other institutions.
The project aims to create long-term solutions, as well as stepping in during acute emergency situations. Whether it's paying transportation costs, procedural and court fees, or rental expenses, SOLITOPF is always there to lend a helping hand.
What's truly remarkable about SOLITOPF is that it's entirely run by volunteers. Everyone who participates in the project is there because they genuinely care and want to make a difference. SOLITOPF meets every two weeks, and recipients and supporters of the project decide together how the money is distributed. It's a truly democratic and empowering process.
At SOLITOPF, we believe that everyone deserves the chance to live a fulfilling life, regardless of their financial situation and aim to help people choose where they want to live in the world. We understand that social inequalities are a complex issue, but we necessary believe that we can make a difference by redistributing all resources, including money, in a fairer and meaningful way, and with your help, we can make that a reality. You can become part of the SOLITOPF movement today! Whether you can give 5% of your monthly salary or a one-time donation of 50 €, every little bit counts.
We invite you to become a part of our community! Set up a standing order or send a one-time donation with the reference "SOLITOPF" to:
Förderverein rasthaus (IBAN DE81 4306 0967 8042 2034 00, BIC GENODEM1GLS).
If you have any questions,would like to request assistance or would like to get involved in organizing an event in support of SOLITOPF raising awareness and funds, please email
Join us in making a difference in someone's life today. Let's work together to support SOLITOPF and help refugees achieve stability. By doing so, we can take a step towards creating a more just and equitable society for all. Your contribution can help someone overcome financial bottlenecks, create perspectives, or make everyday life easier.