Colourful Culture

Colorful Culture podcast, once a month an artist is invited to a studio talk and provides their music before, plays live and tells their personal story. The people have a migration or refugee background and are living here in Freiburg. The podcast is on the Radio Dreyeckland, and collaboration with Ourvoice.


Im Podcast „Colourful Culture“ wird jeden vierten Mittwoch im Monat um 16 Uhr EinE Künstler*in zu einem Studiogespräch eingeladen, spielt live und erzählt ihre/ seine persönliche Geschichte. Die Gäste haben einen Migrations- oder Flüchtlingshintergrund und leben hier in Freiburg. Der Podcast läuft bei Radio Dreyeckland und in Zusammenarbeit mit Ourvoice.

Unterstützt vom Fonds Soziokultur

Unterstützt von der Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung

Mittwoch 25.05.22

Colourful Culture 25.05.2022

Colorful Culture podcast, once a month an artist is invited to a studio talk and provides their music before, plays live and tells their personal story. The people have a migration or refugee background and are living here in Freiburg. The podcast is on the Radio Dreyeckland, and collaboration with Ourvoice.


Mittwoch 27.04.22

Colourful Culture 27.04.2022

Colorful Culture podcast, once a month an artist is invited to a studio talk and provides their music before, plays live and tells their personal story. The people have a migration or refugee background and are living here in Freiburg. The podcast is on the Radio Dreyeckland, and collaboration with Ourvoice.


Mittwoch 23.03.22

Colourful Culture 23.03.2022

Colorful Culture podcast, once a month an artist is invited to a studio talk and provides their music before, plays live and tells their personal story. The people have a migration or refugee background and are living here in Freiburg. The podcast is on the Radio Dreyeckland, and collaboration with Ourvoice.


Mittwoch 23.02.22

Colourful Culture 23.02.2022

Colorful Culture podcast, once a month an artist is invited to a studio talk and provides their music before, plays live and tells their personal story. The people have a migration or refugee background and are living here in Freiburg. The podcast is on the Radio Dreyeckland, and collaboration with Ourvoice.


Mittwoch 26.01.22

Mittwoch 24.11.21

Colourful Culture 24.11.2021

Colorful Culture podcast, once a month an artist is invited to a studio talk and provides their music before, plays live and tells their personal story. The people have a migration or refugee background and are living here in Freiburg. The podcast is on the Radio Dreyeckland, and collaboration with Ourvoice.


Mittwoch 27.10.21

Colourful Culture 27.10.2021

Colorful Culture podcast, once a month an artist is invited to a studio talk and provides their music before, plays live and tells their personal story. The people have a migration or refugee background and are living here in Freiburg. The podcast is on the Radio Dreyeckland, and collaboration with Ourvoice.


Mittwoch 22.09.21

Colourful Culture 22.09.2021

Colorful Culture podcast, once a month an artist is invited to a studio talk and provides their music before, plays live and tells their personal story. The people have a migration or refugee background and are living here in Freiburg. The podcast is on the Radio Dreyeckland, and collaboration with Ourvoice.


Mittwoch 25.08.21

Colourful Culture 25.08.2021

Colorful Culture podcast, once a month an artist is invited to a studio talk and provides their music before, plays live and tells their personal story. The people have a migration or refugee background and are living here in Freiburg. The podcast is on the Radio Dreyeckland, and collaboration with Ourvoice.


Mittwoch 28.07.21

Colourful Culture 28.07.2021

Colorful Culture podcast, once a month an artist is invited to a studio talk and provides their music before, plays live and tells their personal story. The people have a migration or refugee background and are living here in Freiburg. The podcast is on the Radio Dreyeckland, and collaboration with Ourvoice.


Mittwoch 23.06.21

Colourful Culture 23.06.2021

Colorful Culture podcast, once a month an artist is invited to a studio talk and provides their music before, plays live and tells their personal story. The people have a migration or refugee background and are living here in Freiburg. The podcast is on the Radio Dreyeckland, and collaboration with Ourvoice.


Mittwoch 26.05.21

Mittwoch 28.04.21

Colourful Culture 28.04.2021

Colorful Culture podcast, once a month an artist is invited to a studio talk and provides their music before, plays live and tells their personal story. The people have a migration or refugee background and are living here in Freiburg. The podcast is on the Radio Dreyeckland, and collaboration with Ourvoice.


Mittwoch 24.03.21

Colourful Culture 24.03.2021

Colorful Culture podcast, once a month an artist is invited to a studio talk and provides their music before, plays live and tells their personal story. The people have a migration or refugee background and are living here in Freiburg. The podcast is on the Radio Dreyeckland, and collaboration with Ourvoice.


Mittwoch 27.01.21

Colourful Culture 27.01.2021

Colorful Culture podcast, once a month an artist is invited to a studio talk and provides their music before, plays live and tells their personal story. The people have a migration or refugee background and are living here in Freiburg. The podcast is on the Radio Dreyeckland, and collaboration with Ourvoice.


Freitag 22.01.21

Mittwoch 23.12.20

Episode 2: Colourful Culture

Colorful Culture podcast, once a month an artist is invited to a studio talk and provides their music before, plays live and tells their personal story. The people have a migration or refugee background and are living here in Freiburg. The...

Anhören · 59:57 Playlist

Samstag 28.11.20

Mittwoch 25.11.20

Episode 1: Colourful Culture

Colorful Culture podcast, once a month an artist is invited to a studio talk and provides their music before, plays live and tells their personal story. The people have a migration or refugee background and are...

Anhören · 59:59 Playlist

Samstag 07.11.20

Entwurzelt aber...: Lernt uns kennen!

Manizha und Lola. Gründerinnen von "Entwurzelt aber..."

Es wird Zeit, dass wir ein Gesicht zeigen. Denn für uns ist das Leben kein Pony Hof. Wir sind ständig umgeben von Rassismus, Klassizismus und andere Arten von Diskriminierung, so dass wir nicht mehr still bleiben wollen. Wir wollen die Geschichte aus unsere Perspektive erzählen. wir sind da und bleiben. Diese Plattform macht Platz für Migrant*Innen und Geflüchtete, damit unsere Geschichten gehört wird. Wir sind Teil des Our Voice-Team Freiburg! Zusammen mit Colourful voices, einen Deutschlandweit Netzwerk für Vielfalt in den deutschen Medien, sind wir laut!

Anhören · 19:22 Playlist
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