Make colonial history visible in public space: "Still a lot of work to be done"

"Still a lot of work to be done"

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Still from the documentary PLACEnta by Jules Koostachin (2012): The filmmaker talking to an interviewer in front of a forest. She is looking worried and frowns.
Jules sets out to find a place for her Cree Nation traditional placenta ceremony. (2012)
Keine (all rights reserved)

Dr. Jules Koostachin is a filmmaker, director, actress and producer. In the Biography by The University of British Columbia it says: "Born in Moose Factory Ontario, and a band member of Attawapiskat First Nation, the Ancestral lands of the MoshKeKo AsKi InNiNeWak, Jules was raised by her Cree speaking grandparents in Moosonee, as well as with her mother in Ottawa, a warrior of the Canadian Residential school system."

In her movies and documentaries she tells “stories that have meaning” about women who experience violence, about birth ceremonies, the menopause and overencarceration of Indigenous people. She founded a company VisJuelles Productions Inc. and recommends her television series AskiBOYZ for a German audience as well. She visited Stuttgart for the Nordamerikafilmfestival in February.

We talk about Indigenous filmmaking, her work in a women's shelter, cultural apropriation and a way to overcome derogative terms and possibilities to deal with colonial history.