Giving a Voice to 23,768 Residents: The "Wir wählen" Initiative in Freiburg

Giving a Voice to 23,768 Residents: The "Wir wählen" Initiative in Freiburg


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In Freiburg, a significant portion of the population approximately 23,768 residents who are migrants, representing about 10% of the city's population, faces an exclusion that many might find surprising in a modern democratic society. These are people, non-EU residents who live, work, and contribute to the community, yet are denied the right to vote even in local elections. Recognizing this democratic deficit, the initiative "Wir wählen" (We Vote) was launched with a mission to empower these residents and advocate for their inclusion in the electoral process.

During a recent interview, Joe Nykiel, a member of the Freiburger Wahlkreis 100% e.V., shared insights into their mission and the impact they hope to achieve.

The "Wir wählen" initiative was created in response to the significant disparity in political participation among Freiburg residents. Aimed at addressing this gap, the initiative organizes symbolic elections to raise awareness about the importance of political participation for all residents and to advocate for equal voting rights. By highlighting the importance of an inclusive democracy, the project underscores that democracy should be accessible to everyone, irrespective of nationality, as all residents contribute to the community's vibrancy and development. According to recent data, approximately 23,768 Freiburg residents, representing a substantial portion of the city's population, are excluded from the political process. Through symbolic elections, the "Wir wählen" initiative seeks to empower these residents and ensure their voices are heard.

These elections are not just a formality; they serve as a powerful tool for demonstrating the potential impact that currently disenfranchised residents could have if given the right to vote. By sparking crucial discussions on the role of migrants in shaping local policies, they provide non-EU residents a platform to express their political preferences and send a strong message to policymakers about the importance of an inclusive democratic process.

The initiative also engages in educational activities, workshops, and public discussions to foster a broader understanding of the issues at stake. By doing so, they aim to build a coalition of support among all residents of Freiburg, encouraging EU citizens to stand in solidarity with their non-EU neighbors.

Through continuous advocacy and community engagement, the members of "Wir wählen" remain hopeful and determined. Their work serves as a reminder that democracy is a living process, one that must constantly evolve to reflect the realities and needs of its people. By striving to include everyone in the electoral process, they are not only advocating for justice but also enriching the democratic fabric of Freiburg.

For more information about the "Wir wählen" initiative and to get involved, you can visit their website at [www.wir-wä ](We vote – I live here, I vote here - Wir Wählen (