Radio in vielen Sprachen

IndieRe #9

The 53rd edition of our IndieRE broadcast comes from Radio Student again and dips into the independent music scene in Ljubljana. While the first half focuses more on electronic music in different variations, the second half is full of more...

IndieRe #8

In the 52nd edition of IndieRE Radio Campus France gives an insight into the independent scene in Toulouse with MATHIUS SHADOW-SKY, TANIA BEL, Didier Aschour from MONTAGNE NOIRE RECORDS, Pauline Cosgrove from My IMAGINARY LOVES and the...

IndieRe #7

The 51st episode of IndieRe is brought to you by Near FM in Dublin, produced and presented by Neil Farrelly. In this episode we showcase some of the best up and coming Irish artists. Ireland is currently a hot bed of acts breaking through...

Radio Ech (russisch) 18.03.2023 - Artem Funk & Kaja Polivaeva - Chronicles of the MIddle Ages / Артём Функ и Кая Поливаева - Хроники Средневековья

Unabhängigkeitssäule in Kiew, durch Panzerspüerren hindurch gesehen

Als vor einem Jahr die ukrainischen Verteidiger die russischen Invasoren aus der Nordukraine vertrieben hatten, reiste unser langjähriger Redakteur Artem zusammen mit Kaja Polivaeva nach Kiew und von dort aus in die befreiten Kiewer Vororte...

Anhören · 59:59 Playlist
