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"We won't go back": Rally against the criminalization of abortions in the US in Freiburg

Left a few people on a stone bench, giving a speech. In the Backround loudspeeker on a bike trailer and a banner. In front two people holding a banner, too: Mein Körper, meine Entscheidung.

In the evening of july 5th round about 150 people took part in the rally against the criminalization of abortions in the US at the Platz der Alten Synagoge in Freiburg.

The speeches addresses the Supreme Court decision in the US to ban...

Porridge Radio

Porridge Radio kommen aus Brighton und gehören seit ihrem ersten Album „Every bad“ völlig zu Recht zu den größten Kritiker*innenlieblingen, ergo zu den besten Indie-Bands, die es derzeit auf der Insel gibt. Das liegt unter anderem an ihrem...

Anhören · 18:27 Playlist

Decolonize Knowledge: Africa-Europe: Reciprocal Perspectives?

Create spaces without colonial violence, not taking structural critique personally, step back from power positions and funding for Black Studies - these are just some suggestions from the participants of the VAD Conference which took place...
